Utunzi Animal Welfare Organization

Breaking the Cruel Cycle of Battery Cages: How Utunzi is Reshaping Chicken Farming Practices

In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards ending the cruel practice of caged chicken farming. With increased awareness about animal welfare and sustainability, In Kenya, Utunzi animal welfare organization is leading the change towards a more ethical and humane approach to poultry production.

The Problem with Caged Chicken Farming

Caged chicken farming involves confining hens in small wire cages, where they are unable to engage in natural behaviors such as stretching their wings, nesting, or dust bathing. This confinement leads to immense suffering and stress for the birds, resulting in numerous health issues and decreased egg quality.

According to Jones, chickens kept in cages experience higher levels of stress hormones and are more prone to diseases such as osteoporosis and feather pecking. Furthermore, the overcrowded conditions in these cages make it easy for diseases to spread rapidly, posing a risk to both animal and human health.

The Rise of Ethical Consumerism

Kenyans are increasingly conscientious about the ethical implications of our food choices. As consumers, we have the power to drive change through our purchasing decisions. According to a report by Mintel, a global market intelligence agency, there has been a significant increase in demand for cage-free eggs and poultry products from humanely raised chickens.

This shift in consumer preferences has prompted many food companies and retailers to adopt animal welfare policies and commit to sourcing eggs and poultry from cage-free farms. Major corporations such as McDonald’s, Walmart, and Starbucks have all pledged to transition to cage-free eggs in response to consumer demand. In Kenya, Carrefour Supermarket and Kempinski Hotels are leading in sourcing eggs and engaging farmers who have transitioned to cage free farming. This move has revolutionized the egg industry by promoting ethical farming.

Legislative Action and Industry Initiatives

In addition to consumer pressure, legislative measures and industry initiatives are also driving change in the poultry industry. Several countries and regions have implemented bans or phase-outs of caged chicken farming systems, including the European Union, Canada, and various states in the United States.

In Kenya, Kenya organizations like Utunzi animal welfare organization are actively campaigning for improved welfare standards for farm animals, including chickens. Through advocacy efforts and public awareness campaigns, these organizations are amplifying the voices of concerned citizens and urging policymakers and industry stakeholders to prioritize animal welfare.


In conclusion, our generation is at the forefront of a transformative movement to end the inhumane practice of caged chicken farming. Through our collective efforts as consumers, activists, and advocates, we have the power to shape a more compassionate and sustainable future for poultry production.

By supporting ethical farming practices, demanding transparency from food companies, and championing legislative reforms, we can ensure that chickens are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Together, we can break the chains of cruelty and create a brighter future for all beings.


1.Duncan, I.J.H. “The pros and cons of cages.” World’s Poultry Science Journal, vol. 65, no. 2, 2009, pp. 207-215.

2.Mintel. “Global Food and Drink Trends 2022.” Mintel, 2022.

3.Compassion in World Farming. “About Us.” Accessed January 30, 2024. Link

European Commission. “Laying down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens.” EUR-Lex, 1999. Link

4. Jones,R.B. “The Laying Hen and its Environment.” Poultry science 81.7(2002): 839-844)

5.Newberry, R.C. “Environmental enrichment: Increasing the biological relevance of captive environments.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 44, no. 2-4, 1995, pp. 229-243.

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